I just finished The Wind of Destiny by Catherine Ulrich Brakefield.

To be truthful, I did not think I would like it. My cousin called me as soon as she had finished it and told me how good it was, that she could not put it down and that she read the whole book in two days.

It was that good. She didn't normally read romance novels, so I figured she didn't know what she was talking about and I didn't have time to read it for two days, even if it was that good, so I carried the book around for months.

Finally, I started to read it. By the time I got to the sixth chapter, I was hooked. I read it through my toddlers' nap and eagerly picked it up as soon as they went to sleep that night. I finished the book at about 5:00 in the morning. It was so good that I gave up the most precious thing I have  - sleep, just so that I could see how it all turned out.

It took me about 10 hours to read it cover to cover.

It make me laugh, cry, and hold my breath; even the sad parts were encouraging and romantic. I have not read a book this mesmerizing in many years. The characters were so real that by the end, I was even worried about the "bad guys" happiness. I wish I didn't wait so long to read it.

The Wind of Destiny was romantic and uplifting, not "mush" or touchy feely" like I thought it would be. The back of the book does not do it justice. It will be a long time before I forget the words I read because the characters' lives touched mine so deeply. I think everyone should read this book; husbands, wives, parents or children.

I guarantee, by the sixth chapter you will not be able to put it down and when you do finish it you will have a desperate desire to share the characters' stories with someone else.

In fact, there should be a contest to see who took the least amount of time to read it and who told the most people about the stories within the book.

Hope you enjoy the book as much as I did,
Kimberly Warstler, Metamora, MI.


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